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Poursquare - Storm

Storm/Finagle Hackathon Submission

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Storm/Finagle Hackathon Submission - Poursquare

This was my submission to the Storm/Finagle Hackathon which took place at hack/reduce in July of 2013.

This repo contains the code for the Storm portion of the application. This includes all the spouts, bolts, and topology that were used on the Storm cluster.

Getting Started


The first thing you need to do is get access to the Twitter API. Once you are set up, you need to retrieve a bearer token from Twitter so that you can access the search API. The search API uses application-only authentication and instructions on how to get a token can be found here. I used Finagle to do this but you can just as easily do it with curl or any HTTP client.

You will also need MongoDB installed. If you are on Linux (or OSX), you can do this through whichever package manager/software updater your distro supports. On Windows, just follow the instructions here.

Install the Java SDK and Maven.

The last thing you will need is git. I would assume most of you have it already, but if not, you can grab it through your package manager or go here for Windows. Then check out the docs on GitHub on how to clone a repo.

Although I am using Scala, if you all you want to do is run the topology, you do not have to have Scala installed. If you are using Eclipse, you can either download the Scala IDE (which I recommended) or install the Scala plugin. I did have to create a separate library entry for 2.10.2 since I couldn't find out how to update Scala IDE to the latest version of 2.10.


First, clone the repo onto your local machine.

I am using Maven and not sbt, so if you are using Eclipse, you can just import as a Maven project. The import into IntelliJ should be pretty straightforward as well (although I am not certain on how to do this). You can also just run Maven from the command line.

The next step is to make an environmental variable called TWITTER_BEARER_TOKEN and set the value to your Twitter API bearer token. I did this in my run configuration in Eclipse but if you are running from the command line you can set it there.


If you are in Eclipse, create a run configuration for a Scala Application that targets the com.infinitemule.hopperhack.storm.PoursquareTopology class. Don't forget specify the bearer token environmental variable.

If you are on the command line, you should be able to run mvn compile and then:

mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.infinitemule.hopperhack.storm.PoursquareTopology

The topology will run in local mode for two minutes. This is hard coded in the class, so you will have to edit the file if you wanted it to run longer.
